
Clinical Excellence in Beauty

Dr Farah MacDonald


Farbella - Dr Farah MacDonald

Botox® can help prevent deep imprinted lines that we call wrinkles because of the effect of relaxing the muscles that can crease the skin.

Botox® injection treatments are commonly used to treat all areas of the face, as these treatments can combat both fine lines and also deep wrinkles. 

Botox® treatments have been used as Cosmetic Treatments since the late 1980’s, revolutionising the cosmetic industry due to their remarkable results combined with very few risks and no recovery time. 

Botox® injections have been used to treat millions of patients worldwide and is the world’s most popular Non Surgical treatment.


Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, is when you smile and too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth. People who are concerned about a gummy smile often say it makes them feel self-conscious or that their smile seems less attractive.

One of the cause of gummy smile is a hyperactive upper lip, i.e. when the upper lip muscles lifts too high when smiling exposing a lot of gum tissue.

This is easily corrected with anti-wrinkle injection such as Botox to reduce the hyperactivity. The results are entirely natural looking.

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Frown Lines

Glabellar lines, (commonly also known as frown lines) are vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows. They are also often called number ’11’ lines .

These wrinkles appear over time as a result of the effects of age, sun exposure, habitual frowning, and tension. As a person ages, the skin becomes less elastic and the glabellar lines become more pronounced . In some cases, they stay permanently in the face, making it appear that the person is always frowning or angry.

One may often feel that in addition to ‘the aging effect’, these lines make one appear tired or grumpy . Because of this, glabellar line treatments can make a positive difference to one’s self-perception, emotional wellbeing, and how others perceive you on first impression .

With anti-wrinkle injections, these facial muscles complex is relaxed causing the frown lines to appear . Deeper lines with injections of dermal fillers can be treated with PlexrR. The results produce a look that is fresh and affable

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Forehead lines

Horizontal brow lines (also known as ‘Horizontal Forehead Lines’ or ‘Surprise Lines’) are the transverse, long lines that run across the forehead. These may result from normal animation or expression. Also they appear when raising the eye brows in surprise or during times of stress. Horizontal brow lines deepen with age and eventually become apparent even when the face is relaxed.

Reducing forehead lines can significantly change the way one feels about oneself. Used artfully, anti-wrinkle injections can softly reduce dynamic frown lines by relaxing the muscles that create these lines, giving rise to a natural looking results that look like a younger, fresher version of oneself. After treating this area, many people say they appear ‘happier’ and ‘fresher’.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Crow’s feet lines

It’s no secret that our eyes are one of the first areas to show the signs of ageing. The skin here is 40 per cent thinner than the rest of our face, making it more delicate. While so-coined ‘crow’s feet’, AKA the fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area, are totally normal, they’re also one of the most common ageing concerns.

They are treated with very small anti-wrinkle injections to the muscles surrounding the eye.  They also serve to tighten the skin of the eyelid and give a slight lift to the eyebrow.

This treatment will brighten your face and show off the natural beauty of your eyes.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Brow Lift

This procedure that can be very effective for people with mild to moderate brow heaviness. This is normally due to naturally-dropping eyelids or low-hanging eyebrows. As a result, people often state they look tired or washed out.

A Chemical Brow lift is the administration of anti-wrinkle injections that treats frown lines between the brows and at the tail end of the brows. These shots work by relaxing underlying muscles to smooth your skin on the outside and relaxing the muscles between the brows, giving rise to the elevation of the brows, hence, the ‘lift’.

The resulting effect ‘lifts’ the natural eyebrow arch a few millimetres higher. It tends to leave the eyes looking wider and more youthful, whilst achieving an entirely natural look.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Jawline Slimming

That ‘square-jawed’ look or ‘round faced’ look, is usually the result of over developed masseter muscles: they are the muscles that are attached at the angle of the jaw and control one’s chewing. If the muscles are tensed a great deal – or one suffers from teeth grinding – they become more pronounced and produce that strong, masculine jawline.

For those who dislike the over-developed jawline/broad face shape, anti-wrinkle injection can help in relaxing the over-developed muscles, bringing in a slimmer jawline, and more feminine facial contour.

This treatment is also useful for those who suffers from jaw ache from teeth grinding.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are grooves or furrows that run from the corners of the mouth downwards towards the jawline.

Often the corners of the mouth are turned downwards, or drooped, as well, leading to a sad, dissatisfied or scornful look.

Anti-wrinkle injections can relax the muscles that are pulling the corners of the mouth, leading to correction of the droop. This results in a look that is youthful and attractive.

Often the Marionette lines are treated with combination of fillers and anti-wrinkle injections.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Dimply Chin

Dimply Chin occurs because some of us naturally contract our chin more than others on closing our mouth.

In those with over-developed chin muscles, this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles or a ‘pin cushioning’ effect on the chin, even at rest. Dimply chin can also appear at rest as a result of ageing.

Dimply Chin can be treated by easily with anti-wrinkle injections. The treatment resolves the dimply effect and creates a more youthful look.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Nefertiti Neck Lift

The Nefertiti neck lift (so named after the famous Egyptian Queen Nefertiti with her elegant swan-like neck and well defined jawline) is a treatment for sagging neck lines and undefined jawlines.

During the procedure, multiple anti-wrinkle injections are placed superficially along the lower jawline as well as down the areas involving hyperactive neck muscles. This treatment improves the definition of the jawline, rebalance the underlying muscles and provide ‘lifting’ in the neck and jaw area.

The result produces a defined jawline, and smoother and lifted neck appearance.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Vertical Lip Lines (Smoker’s lines)

Smokers’ Lines or Vertical Lip lines are series of thin vertical lines that run perpendicular to the  border of the upper lip. These lines occur naturally as we age and the lips start to lose their volume. They are often first noticed as lipstick ‘bleeds’ into these lines.

These lines can be resolved with very small anti-wrinkle injections placed superficially on the border of the upper lip. The toxins resulted in relaxed musculature that causes the skin puckering, giving rise of smoother upper lip area.

Often this treatment is combined with fillers for maximum rejuvenation effect.

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Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Hyperhidrosis/Excessive Sweating

Focal hyperhidrosis is localized excessive sweating on the feet, hands, armpits and occasionally, the face.

Excessive sweating often interferes with the individual’s life by causing physiological problems, such as cold and clammy hands, dehydration, and skin infections secondary to maceration of the skin, as well as emotional consequences due to embarrassment, limiting daily activities, interfering with interpersonal relationships, necessitating frequent changes of clothes, etc.

Excessive sweating treatments by Botulinum Toxin can offer a life-changing solution for patients.

By injecting low doses of toxin into the underarm, for example, it can reduce the transition of impulses and thus sweating activity by temporarily blocking the nerves that stimulate sweating for up to a year.

Farbella - Anti Wrinkle Treatments

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


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