
Clinical Excellence in Beauty

Dr Farah MacDonald


Farbella - Dr Farah MacDonald

Premium quality Hyaluronic acid fillers injections are used for the purpose of volumising, lifting and contouring of features and skin boosters for revitalisation.

This treatment aims to replace the lost volume of your skin and can treat static facial lines by replenishing the natural hyaluronic acid content of the skin. We offer dermal fillers as an alternative treatment to Collagen injections. Small quantities of Dermal filler are injected into carefully targeted areas to help give facial features back their fullness, reduce the appearance of deeper lines and folds and can enhance contours. As a result of this treatment your face should feel smoother and look younger.

The ageing process is associated with a loss of skin volume and the appearance of static lines, which are lines that are permanently visible on your face, rather than lines that are caused by the natural movement of your facial muscles.



Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentation refers to modifying the cosmetic appearance of the lips to give them an aesthetically pleasing shape.

Lips are important part of our facial feature and there are many reasons that people seek lip shaping treatment. Typically, clients seek to:

  • Creates bigger lips / increases fullness of thin lips
  • Enhances lip definition
  • Creates a more defined smile
  • Give the mouth area a youthful, rejuvenated appearance


Dermal fillers injection contains hyaluronic acid that will not only hydrate the lips; but restores or increase volume of the lips.

Dermal fillers can also be used with botulinum toxin injection to reduce appearance of vertical lip lines (smoker’s lines).

Though results may vary individually, results often last between 6-18 months.

Lips are important part of our facial feature and there are many reasons that people seek lip shaping treatment.

Before & After

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Perioral Rejuvenation

The mouth and its surrounding area are identified as the perioral area.

As ageing process takes place, much of the skin integrity is lost due to lost of elasticity and tissue volume.

This leads to downturn corners of the mouth, smile lines (Marionette lines), deep lines from nasal flares to the mouth. and jowling of the jawlines. This can make one appears tired and aged.

Dermal fillers injections can restore the loss of volume, hence resolving the jowls, smooth lines and turned corners of the mouth upwards. This results in an entirely natural look where one looks fresh and youthful.

Often, this treatment may be combined with chin shaping treatment, jawline definition treatment or lip shaping treatment for best results.

Botulinum toxin injection may also decrease the appearance of jawline jowls.

Typically, results may last between 6-12 months.

Before & After

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Chin shaping and jawline definition

As the ageing process takes place, skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to appearance of sagging skin over the jawline area and permanent resting lines in the chin area.

This can be reversed with the use of dermal fillers injections. Carefully placed fillers along the jawline will restore the elegance of a beautiful jawline and within the chin area, it can restore volume, making deep lines disappear and giving a chin profile.

Often, reshaping of chin and defining jawline can be combined with botulinum toxin injections (such as Nefertiti lift) for optimal results.

In women, the use of fillers in the lower face may help achieve a more feminine profile – producing an ‘elfin’ shaped lower face. In men, chin, jawline, and angle of mandible filler treatment is used to further enhance a square jaw and chin effect for a more angular and masculine look.

Typically, results may last between 6-12 months

Before & After

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Mid Face Rejuvenation - Cheeks and Tear Trough (under eyes bagginess)

This is a most important area in rejuvenation treatment as the mid face area is where the focus of attention when people look at someone.

The cheeks and around the eyes area typically will start sagging as tissue loses elasticity and volume over the years.

Sagginess such as flattened cheeks and baggy eyes makes one appear tired and sad. Loss of volume in this area may contribute to jowling and droopiness of the lower face.

Therefore, this area is usually the one area practitioner will address as it will not only rectify the mid face deficiencies, but to some extent, the lower part of the face as well.

With dermal filler treatment, one can rejuvenate this area leading to a fresh, happy and a youthful look. Fillers will replace volumes in the under-eye area, in the apple of the cheeks and the cheekbones area.

Results though may vary, they may last from 9-18 months.

Before & After

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


Liquid Face Lift

This term is coined as such because of the use of non-surgical means, i.e. dermal fillers; in achieving a ‘lift’ effect of the overall facial tissues/structures.

This procedure is advantageous as it does not require surgery and is feasible within an office/treatment suite setting.

The downtime is short, and one can return to normal activities after procedure immediately (non-strenuous activities).

The procedure uses combination of botulinum toxins to reduce lines over the forehead, eyes, lower face areas and the neck area.

Strategically placed dermal fillers injections at cheeks areas, tear trough, nasolabial folds, chin area, lower face jowls and jawline will result in a natural look that is fresh and more youthful.

Procedure may take up to an hour and results typically may last up to 12 months.

Please book an appointment for a consultation to discuss treatment for the best version of you.


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